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Report Decision Dashboard, School The Collegiate School Of Memphis, District Private / Parochial

To see additional information on the progress of students in different achievement groups, please select "All" from the "Show Reports" drop-down below. This will add data from the diagnostic reports, where 1 represents the lowest achieving fifth of students across the state, and 5 represents the highest fifth.

Grades 3-8, Grade 6
English Language Arts
3Yr A
3Yr A

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SubjectTest/GradeSchool Value-AddedSchool Diagnostic - Achievement Groups
20233-Year Average1 (Lowest)2 (Low-Mid)3 (Middle)4 (Mid-High)5 (Highest)
English Language ArtsGrades 3-8, Grade 6triangle-down-stroked
MathGrades 3-8, Grade 6triangle-down-stroked

School Value-Added

triangle-up-strokedSignificant evidence that students made more growth than expected.
triangle-up-filledModerate evidence that students made more growth than expected.
square-filledEvidence that students made growth as expected.
triangle-down-filledModerate evidence that students made less growth than expected.
triangle-down-strokedSignificant evidence that students made less growth than expected.
No data currently available

School Diagnostic

circle-filledModerate evidence that the group made more growth than expected.
circle-strokedEvidence that the group made growth as expected.
diamond-filledModerate evidence that the group made less growth than expected.
Not enough students to generate a growth measure.