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Report School Evaluation Composites, School Copper Ridge Elementary, District Knox County, Test TCAP (Grades 4-8)/EOC

2023-2024 Composite Trends
Composite TypeOne-Year Trend*
IndexEffectiveness Level
Literacy and Numeracy-4.691
*Year Trend
Educators using school composites for the growth component in the Tennessee Educator Acceleration Model (TEAM) select a school composite from the available options; all school composites use data from the most recent year (2023-24).

TDOE Policy
School TVAAS Composites are scores that assess growth at the school level. For 2023-24, school composites are used for the evaluation of educators who require school reporting. Scores will be reported on a 1-5 scale. The table above reports the 2023-24 school composites.

Note: The subjects listed for the CTE concentrator and CTE student composite include all the EOC subjects with value-added estimates. Some of these subjects might be excluded from CTE concentrator and CTE student composite if there were not enough CTE participants to produce a reliable estimate.

Science and Social Studies are listed as subjects that might be included in the composite, but they are not included for grade 3.

Descriptions of Composite Types
Composite TypeComposite Might Include
OverallGrades 3-8English Language Arts, Math, Science
Literacy and NumeracyGrades 3-8English Language Arts, Math
LiteracyGrades 3-8English Language Arts
NumeracyGrades 3-8Math
ScienceGrades 3-8Science
Rules for Determining Effectiveness Level
Level 5, Most Effective: Significant evidence that the school's students made more growth than expected (the school's index is 2 or greater).
Level 4, Above Average Effectiveness: Moderate evidence that the school's students made more growth than expected (the school's index is between 1 and 2).
Level 3, Average Effectiveness: Evidence that the school's students made growth as expected (the school's index is between -1 and 1).
Level 2, Approaching Average Effectiveness: Moderate evidence that the school's students made less growth than expected (the school's index is between -2 and -1).
Level 1, Least Effective: Significant evidence that the school's students made less growth than expected (the school's index is less than -2).
Note: When an index falls exactly on the boundary between two levels, the higher level is assigned.