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Roster Verification

Claiming Information

The Claiming Information report shows all subjects and grades in which a student is currently claimed. If the student is claimed by multiple teachers, and those teachers' rosters are still being verified (in other words, they have not been submitted to FL VAM), the percentages could change.

To print the Claiming Information report, click the print icon, select your preferred Page Options, and click Print.

  • Teachers: If you need to work with other teachers to resolve claiming issues, but those teachers' names are hidden, contact a School Administrator or School Roster Approver.
  • School and district admins/approvers: If you need to work with teachers outside your LEA/district to resolve claiming issues, but those teachers' names are hidden, contact TVAAS Technical Support.

Although you can monitor overclaimed and underclaimed students throughout Roster Verification, the best time to work on resolving these issues is after all have submitted their rosters, or after the submission deadline.

In cases where overclaiming cannot be resolved, FL VAM adjusts each teacher's instructional responsibility downward proportionally so that the student is claimed at 100% across all teachers who claimed the student.

About Overclaiming: A student is overclaimed when the instructional time for that student across all participating teachers in the state totals more than 100% of the semester or school year in a subject and grade. If possible, all cases of overclaiming should be resolved.

About Underclaiming: Underclaimed students are claimed for less than 100% in a subject and grade. In some situations, underclaiming is appropriate. If possible, all cases of underclaiming should be resolved.