Table of Contents
School Value-Added

How This Report Helps You

This report enables you to select data of interest, assess trends over time, and compare results. Use the filters on the left to explore growth and achievement data. Depending on the assessment, achievement is reported in Normal Curve Equivalents (NCEs) or scale scores and does not reflect proficiency level.

For step-by-step instructions on using the filters, see Interacting with the Report.

About Value-Added Reports

School Value-Added Reports provide reliable measures of the average academic growth a school's students made in each tested grade and subject or course. The growth measures indicate how successful the school was in helping students meet expected growth. The value-added reports can help educators identify relative strengths and areas of concern across grades and subjects. When sufficient data is available, the reports include three years of growth measures and a three-year average growth measure. Examining patterns and trends across years can offer important insights into the effectiveness of the school's programs.

It's important to view the value-added reports in conjunction with the diagnostic reports, which display patterns of growth for groups of students at different achievement levels.

How We Measure Growth

The model we use to calculate growth measures depends on the assessments administered. Concept of Growth provides additional details.

Gain Model

This analytic model is used for subjects that are assessed in consecutive grades.

  • ELA and math, grades 4–8
Predictive Model

This analytic model is used for subjects that are assessed in non-consecutive or consecutive grades, including when students move from one assessment type to another:

  • Social studies, grades 6–8
  • EOCs
  • ACT
  • All subjects, grade 3 (for districts that submit data for K–2)
  • Science, grades 5-8

Making Comparisons

Use options in the filter panel to add data from other years, tests and subjects, districts and schools, and more. Your options might be limited to the data that you have access to.

Up to 10 additional districts or schools, can be viewed in the report using the Add Comparison option under the Districts and Schools section in the filter panel.

Downloading Value-Added Reports

Value-Added reports for a specific school or district can be saved as an Excel spreadsheet (.xlsx format) by clicking on the Download Report button in the upper right corner of the report. A dialogue box opens where the filename can be determined. Click Download Report to save the report to your computer. The resulting spreadsheet will contain value-added data for the district or school selected from the main drop-down menu at the top of the filter panel.